“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Benjamin Franklin
CSK was a part of these WINNING Programs and many others.

Credit the Acquisition Strategy on these WINNING Programs, it began well before the Capture Phase started; CSK brings that Lesson Learned and Earned.
CSK has developed a STRATEGIC ACQUISITION Process; tailored implementation for your team with measurable and repeatable steps. Our tailoring process is successfully implemented at the small, mid and corporate business levels. This Strategic Process employs a measurable systems engineering approach to develop customer relationships, business growth, uncovering and understanding the customer 'hot buttons', and pipeline planning to accommodate your customers Acquisition Strategy and your growth. CSKs STRATEGIC Process is in use for the past decade, with product and service market areas resulting in affordable solutions with business growth. CSK knows 'one size does not fit all', therefore we tailor a STRATEGIC Process based on your capability, growth and acquisition goals. That was the beginning of CSK Strategies.
We bring that same attitude and approach to you, intentionally. A friend of mine and I worked for a TOP 50 international defense corporation, years later he called to say he had started his own company and wanted some assistance putting a plan together, an ACQUISITION STRATEGY, for his business ... similar in scale to the programs in the photo gallery above...
Clients hire CSK for their broad base of acquisition experienced as subject matter experts:
Develop WINNING Acquisition Strategy
Overall management of acquisition strategy
Assessment of Capture, Proposal effectiveness and Volume leadership
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
We have proven leadership and can augment your program team until your in-house resources are trained and ready.
Focus – Working with our clients to build long term partnership for mutual benefit, delivering on our promises and commitments
Integrity - about being open, honest and respectful at all times with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders
Collaboration - WINNING takes hard work. The Team is stronger than the individual.